All Relations between Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity and morality

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Galia Plotkin-Amrami, Talia Frie. Sensitive Child, Disturbed Kid: Stigma, Medicalization, and the Interpretive Work of Israeli Mothers of Children with ADHD. Culture, medicine and psychiatry. 2023-08-27. PMID:37634233. the temporal perspective on mothers' meaning-making processes revealed a progression of four common phases through which mothers revisited their understanding of adhd, and recast their own responsibilities and moral roles. 2023-08-27 2023-09-07 Not clear
Talia Fried, Galia Plotkin-Amram. Not all diagnoses are created equal: Mothers' narratives of children, ADHD, and comorbid diagnoses. Social science & medicine (1982). vol 323. 2023-03-18. PMID:36933436. our findings contribute a conceptualization of comorbidity as a web of diverse moral vocabularies, institutional outcomes and perceptions of personhood, through which mothers of adhd children maneuver over time. 2023-03-18 2023-08-14 human
David Coghil. The Benefits and Limitations of Stimulants in Treating ADHD. Current topics in behavioral neurosciences. 2022-05-03. PMID:35503597. we will discuss some of the political, ethical, and moral discussions about the use of stimulants including a consideration of the treatment of subsyndromal adhd and the use of stimulants as cognitive enhancers. 2022-05-03 2023-08-13 Not clear
Clare Conry-Murray, Megan McKechnie, Nicole Olivieri Paga. ADHD and Judgments of Impulsivity in Rule Violations. The Journal of genetic psychology. vol 181. issue 2-3. 2021-02-15. PMID:32295499. participants with adhd (n = 45) and participants without adhd (n = 130, total n = 175) judged hypothetical moral and conventional rule violations that varied the impulsivity of the act, the adhd diagnosis, and the gender of the actor in order to examine (1) social reasoning about impulsiveness and (2) whether participants infer impulsiveness from the characteristics of the actor, including gender and adhd-status. 2021-02-15 2023-08-13 human
Wytske Versteeg, Hedwig Te Molde. 'You must know what you mean when you say that': the morality of knowledge claims about ADHD in radio phone-ins. Sociology of health & illness. vol 40. issue 4. 2019-01-28. PMID:29582444. 'you must know what you mean when you say that': the morality of knowledge claims about adhd in radio phone-ins. 2019-01-28 2023-08-13 Not clear
Jessica Katz Edison, Christopher Clard. Lucy Maude Montgomery and Anne of Green Gables: An Early Description of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Pediatric annals. vol 46. issue 7. 2018-01-16. PMID:28697270. similar disorders had appeared earlier, and many consider the first description of adhd to be a lecture in 1902 about children with an "abnormal defect in moral control" but normal intelligence. 2018-01-16 2023-08-13 Not clear
Juho Honkasilta, Simo Vehmas, Tanja Vehkakosk. Self-pathologizing, self-condemning, self-liberating: Youths' accounts of their ADHD-related behavior. Social science & medicine (1982). vol 150. 2016-10-24. PMID:26774711. the youth accounted for their culturally undesirable behavior, performance and traits through three different types of accounts: (1) externalizing personal responsibility due to a compelling medical condition, (2) internalizing personal responsibility through moral self-condemnation, and (3) distancing oneself from the socially imposed stereotypes and stigmas related to adhd. 2016-10-24 2023-08-13 Not clear
Juho Honkasilta, Simo Vehmas, Tanja Vehkakosk. Self-pathologizing, self-condemning, self-liberating: Youths' accounts of their ADHD-related behavior. Social science & medicine (1982). vol 150. 2016-10-24. PMID:26774711. this study analyzes the discursive construction of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (adhd) and self in relation to a socioculturally shared understanding of moral norms. 2016-10-24 2023-08-13 Not clear
Carol Gray Brunton, Chris McVittie, Marion Ellison, Joyce Willoc. Negotiating parental accountability in the face of uncertainty for attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. Qualitative health research. vol 24. issue 2. 2015-04-13. PMID:24495990. in this article we focus on the strategies parents used to negotiate these troublesome identities and construct accounts of moral and legitimate parenting in a context in which uncertainties surrounding adhd existed and parenting was scrutinized. 2015-04-13 2023-08-12 human
Cory M J Groman, Drew H Barzma. The impact of ADHD on morality development. Attention deficit and hyperactivity disorders. vol 6. issue 2. 2015-02-23. PMID:24633571. the impact of adhd on morality development. 2015-02-23 2023-08-12 Not clear
Steven Edward Hyma. Might stimulant drugs support moral agency in ADHD children? Journal of medical ethics. vol 39. issue 6. 2013-08-12. PMID:23001921. might stimulant drugs support moral agency in adhd children? 2013-08-12 2023-08-12 Not clear
Zosia Kmietowic. Children don't think that stimulant drugs for ADHD rob them of their "authenticity" and moral responsibility. BMJ (Clinical research ed.). vol 345. 2012-12-19. PMID:23071287. children don't think that stimulant drugs for adhd rob them of their "authenticity" and moral responsibility. 2012-12-19 2023-08-12 Not clear
Ilina Sing. A disorder of anger and aggression: children's perspectives on attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder in the UK. Social science & medicine (1982). vol 73. issue 6. 2012-01-05. PMID:21684645. diagnosed children's mobilization of adhd behaviors and their exploitation of the diagnosis shows how children's active moral agency can support and compromise cognitive, behavioral and social resilience. 2012-01-05 2023-08-12 Not clear
Ilina Sing. A disorder of anger and aggression: children's perspectives on attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder in the UK. Social science & medicine (1982). vol 73. issue 6. 2012-01-05. PMID:21684645. this article investigates the social and moral dimensions of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (adhd) diagnosis, asking what adhd means in uk children's everyday lives, and what children do with this diagnosis. 2012-01-05 2023-08-12 Not clear
Linda C Garro, Kristin E Yarri. "A massive long way": interconnecting histories, a "special child," ADHD, and everyday family life. Culture, medicine and psychiatry. vol 33. issue 4. 2010-04-29. PMID:19787444. through our analyses, we also seek to contribute to discussions on what is at stake in everyday life contexts for children with adhd and their families, through illuminating aspects of the cultural, moral and relational terrain that u.s. families navigate in contending with a child's diagnosis of adhd. 2010-04-29 2023-08-12 Not clear
Ilina Sing. Clinical implications of ethical concepts: moral self-understandings in children taking methylphenidate for ADHD. Clinical child psychology and psychiatry. vol 12. issue 2. 2007-07-10. PMID:17533932. clinical implications of ethical concepts: moral self-understandings in children taking methylphenidate for adhd. 2007-07-10 2023-08-12 Not clear
Ilina Sing. Clinical implications of ethical concepts: moral self-understandings in children taking methylphenidate for ADHD. Clinical child psychology and psychiatry. vol 12. issue 2. 2007-07-10. PMID:17533932. this article presents data from a pilot interview study that investigated children's moral self-understandings in relation to adhd diagnosis and stimulant drug treatment, with a focus on children's understandings of their authentic selves. 2007-07-10 2023-08-12 Not clear
Christian J Krautkrame. Beyond creativity: ADHD drug therapy as a moral damper on a child's future success. The American journal of bioethics : AJOB. vol 5. issue 3. 2005-12-05. PMID:16006377. beyond creativity: adhd drug therapy as a moral damper on a child's future success. 2005-12-05 2023-08-12 Not clear