All Relations between navigation and hippocampus

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I Q Whisha. Locale and taxon systems: no place for neophrenology? Hippocampus. vol 1. issue 3. 1993-12-30. PMID:1669306. nevertheless, this critique argues that (1) the hippocampus does play a relatively direct role in movement control; (2) an associationistic explanation more parsimoniously accounts for spatial navigation performance of rats than cognitive mapping theory; and (3) cognitive mapping theory is an unnecessary psychological construct. 1993-12-30 2023-08-11 rat
R Schöpke, D P Wolfer, H P Lipp, M C Leisinger-Trigon. Swimming navigation and structural variations of the infrapyramidal mossy fibers in the hippocampus of the mouse. Hippocampus. vol 1. issue 3. 1993-12-30. PMID:1669312. swimming navigation and structural variations of the infrapyramidal mossy fibers in the hippocampus of the mouse. 1993-12-30 2023-08-11 mouse
R Schöpke, D P Wolfer, H P Lipp, M C Leisinger-Trigon. Swimming navigation and structural variations of the infrapyramidal mossy fibers in the hippocampus of the mouse. Hippocampus. vol 1. issue 3. 1993-12-30. PMID:1669312. if hippocampal structural variations are causing behavioral variations, one must predict positive correlations between the extent of the iip-mf and performance in swimming navigation. 1993-12-30 2023-08-11 mouse
C B Cave, L R Squir. Equivalent impairment of spatial and nonspatial memory following damage to the human hippocampus. Hippocampus. vol 1. issue 3. 1993-12-30. PMID:1669313. the hippocampus has sometimes been proposed to function as a cognitive map, a memory system that stores information about allocentric space. 1993-12-30 2023-08-11 human
A A Fenton, J Bure. Place navigation in rats with unilateral tetrodotoxin inactivation of the dorsal hippocampus: place but not procedural learning can be lateralized to one hippocampus. Behavioral neuroscience. vol 107. issue 4. 1993-11-17. PMID:8397860. place navigation in rats with unilateral tetrodotoxin inactivation of the dorsal hippocampus: place but not procedural learning can be lateralized to one hippocampus. 1993-11-17 2023-08-12 rat
R Worde. Navigation by fragment fitting: a theory of hippocampal function. Hippocampus. vol 2. issue 2. 1993-09-24. PMID:1308181. navigation by fragment fitting: a theory of hippocampal function. 1993-09-24 2023-08-11 Not clear
R Worde. Navigation by fragment fitting: a theory of hippocampal function. Hippocampus. vol 2. issue 2. 1993-09-24. PMID:1308181. this paper describes a computational theory of spatial learning and navigation and its possible realization in the hippocampus. 1993-09-24 2023-08-11 Not clear
D L Korol, T W Abel, L T Church, C A Barnes, B L McNaughto. Hippocampal synaptic enhancement and spatial learning in the Morris swim task. Hippocampus. vol 3. issue 2. 1993-09-23. PMID:8353599. the authors attempted to replicate the study of castro, silbert, mcnaughton, and barnes (1989) in which it was concluded that bilateral saturation of hippocampal synaptic enhancement produced a deficit in acquisition of a spatial navigation problem in the morris swim task. 1993-09-23 2023-08-12 Not clear
A Amse. Hippocampal function in the rat: cognitive mapping or vicarious trial and error? Hippocampus. vol 3. issue 3. 1993-09-22. PMID:8353608. the most prominent hypothesis of hippocampal function likens the hippocampus to a "cognitive map," a term used by a famous learning theorist, e. c. tolman, to explain maze learning. 1993-09-22 2023-08-12 rat
A Amse. Hippocampal function in the rat: cognitive mapping or vicarious trial and error? Hippocampus. vol 3. issue 3. 1993-09-22. PMID:8353608. the usual application of this concept of cognitive map, as it applies to the hippocampus, is to what is called spatial learning, mainly in the radial-arm maze of olton and the morris water maze. 1993-09-22 2023-08-12 rat
A Amse. Hippocampal function in the rat: cognitive mapping or vicarious trial and error? Hippocampus. vol 3. issue 3. 1993-09-22. PMID:8353608. in a recent hippocampus forum, evidence for the cognitive map hypothesis was reviewed in a lead article by nadel, followed by a series of commentaries by leading investigators of hippocampal function. 1993-09-22 2023-08-12 rat
A Amse. Hippocampal function in the rat: cognitive mapping or vicarious trial and error? Hippocampus. vol 3. issue 3. 1993-09-22. PMID:8353608. this speculative commentary offers an alternative not represented in the forum--that the function of the hippocampus in spatial learning is not as a cognitive map, but that it subserves another function proposed by tolman in his work on simple discrimination learning, vicarious trial and error, based on incipient, conflicting dispositions to approach and avoid. 1993-09-22 2023-08-12 rat
N A Schmajuk, A D Thieme, H T Blai. Maps, routes, and the hippocampus: a neural network approach. Hippocampus. vol 3. issue 3. 1993-09-22. PMID:8353614. this study describes hippocampal participation in maze navigation in terms of a real-time, biologically plausible neural network. 1993-09-22 2023-08-12 Not clear
C A Netto, H Hodges, J D Sinden, E Le Peillet, T Kershaw, P Sowinski, B S Meldrum, J A Gra. Effects of fetal hippocampal field grafts on ischaemic-induced deficits in spatial navigation in the water maze. Neuroscience. vol 54. issue 1. 1993-07-20. PMID:8515847. effects of fetal hippocampal field grafts on ischaemic-induced deficits in spatial navigation in the water maze. 1993-07-20 2023-08-12 rat
N McNaughton, R G Morri. Buspirone produces a dose-related impairment in spatial navigation. Pharmacology, biochemistry, and behavior. vol 43. issue 1. 1992-11-02. PMID:1409800. classical anxiolytic drugs and hippocampal lesions have common behavioural effects that include loss of place navigation in the water maze. 1992-11-02 2023-08-11 rat
N McNaughton, R G Morri. Buspirone produces a dose-related impairment in spatial navigation. Pharmacology, biochemistry, and behavior. vol 43. issue 1. 1992-11-02. PMID:1409800. buspirone affects hippocampal electrophysiology in a similar fashion to classical anxiolytics and so we predicted it would have similar effects on spatial navigation. 1992-11-02 2023-08-11 rat
N McNaughton, R G Morri. Buspirone produces a dose-related impairment in spatial navigation. Pharmacology, biochemistry, and behavior. vol 43. issue 1. 1992-11-02. PMID:1409800. rats injected with buspirone (0.1-10.0 mg/kg, ip) showed a loss of acquisition of spatial navigation in the water maze that has a similar dose dependence to that reported for the effects of buspirone on the hippocampus. 1992-11-02 2023-08-11 rat
N McNaughton, R G Morri. Buspirone produces a dose-related impairment in spatial navigation. Pharmacology, biochemistry, and behavior. vol 43. issue 1. 1992-11-02. PMID:1409800. this finding demonstrates that the effects of anxiolytics on spatial navigation are not due to their side effects and supports the view that changes in hippocampal function may underlie some components of clinical anxiolytic action. 1992-11-02 2023-08-11 rat
M S Oitzl, E R de Kloe. Selective corticosteroid antagonists modulate specific aspects of spatial orientation learning. Behavioral neuroscience. vol 106. issue 1. 1992-05-04. PMID:1313244. spatial navigation is considered to be a sensitive measure for hippocampal functioning. 1992-05-04 2023-08-11 rat
B F Petrie, C Pinsky, N M Standish, R Bose, G B Glavi. Parenteral domoic acid impairs spatial learning in mice. Pharmacology, biochemistry, and behavior. vol 41. issue 1. 1992-04-02. PMID:1539071. the results, along with neuroanatomic work done here and elsewhere, suggest that impairment of acquisition and retention of this spatial navigation task by domoic acid, involves a neuropathology that includes not only the hippocampus, but other limbic, and possibly extralimbic brain regions. 1992-04-02 2023-08-11 mouse